Saturday, October 3, 2015
300 choice
300 drill FREE:
100 Kick: (50 arms by the sides + 50 streamline) +
100 Glide to 3 drill focus on recovery +
100 G-2-3 drill focus on pull
3 x 100 FREE swim, Descend 1 -> 3 with 20s rest
300 drill BACK:
100 Kick: (50 arms by the sides + 50 streamline) +
100 Glide to 3 drill focus on recovery +
100 G-2-3 drill focus on pull
3 x 100 BACK swim, Descend 1 -> 3 with 20s rest
Main Set:
8 x 200 with 15s rest:
100 kick + 100 swim
100 swim + 100 kick
choice of stroke or IM
4 x (25 DAB + 50 swim 5×5 breathing)
Total: 3,400