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Sunday November 25th 2018, coach Kaliah
Warm Up (1,200)
200 choice
5 rounds:
50 free drill @ 1:00
50 choice (not free) @ 1:00
50 free @ 1:00
50 choice drill (not free) @ 1:00
Main Set (1,950)
10 x 50 (25 all out sprint/ 25 easy) odd-free, even-choice on 50, 1:00
6 x 100 (odd- all out kick/ even- easy pull) on 1:45, 2:00
6 x 75 (IM drill (no free)) on 1:30, 1:45
2 x 200 (3,5,7,9 breathing (keep stroke long and strong)) on 4:00
Take maybe 10 minutes @ 9:40 to practice some turns at least 8 focusing on flip turn and breakout
Cool Down (250)
100 back
50 free
50 KOB
50 scull
Total: 3,400