Thursday, 14 September, 2017, coach Matt
WU (1,000):
4 rounds:
3 x 50 as 25 scull/25 swim with paddles @ 10″ rest:
1) High hand position scull
2) Middle position scull
3) Low position scull
100 Freestyle, minimum stroke count per 25
Set 1 (1,500 or 1,800):
Option #1 (1,500) 6 rounds of
150 pull @ 2’30” breathing 3/5/3 by 50
100 swim DPS @ 1’40”
Option #2 (1,800) 6 rounds of:
300 swim or pull
Odds: @ 5’30” / 6′
Evens: @ 5’15″/5’45”
Set 2 (1,200):
3 rounds of:
4 x 50 flutter kick, no board @ 10″ rest, one on each side (front, right, back, left)
200 choice kick with board
Total: 4,000